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Accredited Licensed Professionals - Healthcare and Medical
Currently licensed Healthcare and Medical professionals verified weekly.
These Healthcare and Medical professionals are all CURRENTLY licensed. This data is generated from accrediting agencies and is meticulously updated and maintained on a weekly basis, making it the most up to date data source in the country. Whether you’re looking to target Physicians, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Veterinarians, EMS Professionals or Social Workers, this comprehensive file is a MUST TEST. These Healthcare and Medical professionals not only have a license to practice but a license to shop. Available at Home or Office address, Accredited Licensed Professionals – Healthcare and Medical is the perfect file for your next continuing education, software, electronics, vehicle, boat, office supply, real estate, vacation, apparel, investment, or insurance offer. Average Age 53. Average Income $100,000. 55% Male.
Compiled 100%Segments
Segments | Quantity | Cost |
Acupuncturist | 0 | $+10.00/M |
At Home | 0 | $+10.00/M |
At Office | 0 | $+15.00/M |
Audiologist | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Chiropractic Assistant | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Chiropractor | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Clinical Lab Technician | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Database | 2,500,000 | $60.00/M |
Dietician - Nutritionist | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Doctors - Physicians | 0 | $+10.00/M |
EMS Professionals | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Hearing Aid Dispenser | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Medical Physicist | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Medical Professionals | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Osteopath | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Paramedics | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Pathologist | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Physician Assistant | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Podiatrist | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Psychologist | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Psychology Professional | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Social Worker | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Veterinarian | 0 | $+10.00/M |
X-ray Tech | 0 | $+10.00/M |
Formats | Cost |
FTP | $50.00 |
$50.00 |
Selects | Cost |
Marital Status | $10.00/M |
Homeowner | $10.00/M |
Gender | $10.00/M |
Income | $10.00/M |
Age | $10.00/M |
Additional Selects | Cost |
Key Coding | $10.00/M |
Zip+4 | $10.00/M |
Geography | $10.00/M |
Run Charges | $10.00/M |
Additional Notes
- Minimum order of 5,000 records.
- E-mail Campaigns minimum order of 15,000 records.
- Cancellation Charges $50.00 Flat plus $5.00/m run charge before the mail date. After mail date due in full.
- Please inquire for Net Name Arrangements & Re-Uses.
- 20% Brokers Commission applies where applicable.
- All prices subject to change without notice.
Special Instructions
- Sample mail piece or telemarketing script required.
- This list updates monthly. The data card does not.
- All direct mail files are Delivery Point Validated (DPV). DPV codes outputted upon request only.
Renee Brown |
Account Executive |
3126 Peach Street, Erie, PA 16508 |
Phone: 800-964-5478 |
Toll Free: 814-456-2175 Ext: 129 |
Fax: 814-455-1942 | | |