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A La Carte Smokers

Smokers. Yes, they still exist...for the time being. Say hello to those who report a Smoker in the household, whether it is cigarettes, e Cigarettes, or cigars, these die hards still puff away and are great prospects for patches, nicotine gum, or other offers.


Smokers. Yes, they still exist...for the time being. Say hello to those who report a Smoker in the household, whether it is cigarettes, e Cigarettes, or cigars, these die hards still puff away and are great prospects for patches, nicotine gum, or other offers. With a complete suite of demographics available, you can select e cigarettes, Cigarettes, or Cigars, and those who are trying actively to quit with A La Carte Smokers




Direct Response 100%


Segments Quantity Cost
Cigarettes 2,000,000 $+10.00/M
Cigars 300,000 $+10.00/M
Database 0 $210.00/M
E Cigarettes 600,000 $+10.00/M
Hotline 0 $+10.00/M
Plan to Quit 2,000,000 $+10.00/M


Formats Cost
Email $50.00
FTP $50.00


Selects Cost
Marital Status $10.00/M
Homeowner $10.00/M
Gender $10.00/M
Income $10.00/M
Age $10.00/M
Additional Selects Cost


Additional Notes

  • Minimum order of 5,000 records.
  • E-mail Campaigns minimum order of 15,000 records.
  • Cancellation Charges $50.00 Flat plus $5.00/m run charge before the mail date. After mail date due in full.
  • Please inquire for Net Name Arrangements & Re-Uses.
  • 20% Brokers Commission applies where applicable.
  • All prices subject to change without notice.

Special Instructions

  • Sample mail piece or telemarketing script required.
  • This list updates monthly. The data card does not.
  • All direct mail files are Delivery Point Validated (DPV). DPV codes outputted upon request only.


Renee Brown
Account Executive
3126 Peach Street, Erie, PA 16508
Phone: 800-964-5478
Toll Free: 814-456-2175 Ext: 129
Fax: 814-455-1942